Total solar eclipse is going to take place in Moola nakshatra on 26th December roughly between 8.00 am to 11.30 am. Eclipse of Sun in Moola nakshatra, 4th pada (in transit at 09:46 degrees) occurs when Moon (in Moola, 4th pada) passes between Earth and Sun, completely blocking Sun from Earth's view. Other planets involved in the eclipse and transiting Moola nakshatra are Mercury, in Moola, 1st pada (00:53 degrees) and Jupiter in Moola, 4th pada (11:09 degrees). Two other planets Saturn in Poorvashadha 4th pada (26:34 degrees) and Ketu in Poorvashadha 1st pada (14:26 degrees) are in the same zodiac (Sagittarius/Dhanur Rasi) though not in the eclipsed constellation which is Moola.
Moola being the seat of Saraswati is ideal for practising original acoustic Saraswati Veena and listening to Saraswati Suktham of Rig Veda. Practice of Veena during this particular eclipse will yield abundant benefits. Prayers to Lord Anjaneya ( belonging to Moola Nakshatra) also yields great results
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Friday, December 20, 2019
Acoustic Veena in Cinema
Earlier Veena functioned entirely as an acoustic instrument. Veena never had a contact mike (or even an acoustic pickup) while recording in studios. In studio recordings Veena was recorded by a normal voice mike (placed on a stand) and facing the instrument. Amazingly this proved to be the best and most sensitive mike which had the capacity to pick up the most minute details and nuances of Veena music. In recent times Veenas are plugged in even inside recording studios, whether it is in Cinema/All India Radio/Compact Disc recording studios. The Veenas use pickups/contact mikes that are directly plugged into the recording console or into a portable amp/speaker in front of which a voice mike is placed. Veena loses its natural tone when plugged in for studio recordings.
Late Sri.Chittibabu had recorded his Veena in many films of my father, film music director, late Sri.G.Aswathama.
LATE SRI.G.ASWATHAMAIn all my father's songs Sri.Chittibabu'sVeena was recorded directly by a stand mike and without the usage of contact mike/ pickup.
My father's hit song from the telugu film "Annaa Thammudu" in the year 1958 -Veena by Sri.Chittibabu (Use earphones)
All through my involvement in the field of Cinema (films in Bengali, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu and Tamil from the year 1965 to 2000) I had used the voice mike for my Veena and I had never used the pickup/contact mike for recording and re-recording sessions. My concerts for the All India Radio were also recorded through the voice mike and without pickup/contact mike.
MY ACOUSTIC VEENA AND MY VOICE ( the song required an amateur female singer. Primarily I was assigned to play Veena in this song and after much thought from my side the decision to mix my amateurish voice was taken in the last minute.) WITH S.P.BALASUBRAMANIAM IN RAJAHAMSA (1998).
(The English wordings I sang as shown on screen are wrong and hilarious!!) The correct words are- First BGM "Is this love or is that how I feel? Is it magic or is love so real? I want to find this place of ecstasy so is this love, someone tell me please." Second BGM-" Love is a special thing it never grows old. It can make you laugh, it can make you sing, it can't be bought, it can't be sold!"
(Use earphones)
Sunday, December 15, 2019
AKG Contact Mike
There are 2 types of contact mikes. The acoustic contact mike (for eg., one of the many acoustic contact mikes is AKG as in the above photograph. Percussion instruments like ghatam make use of AKG for their instruments) picks up the essentially acoustic nature of an instrument, in other words the sound waves and frequencies conducted within the wood grains are also contacted and picked up by the acoustic contact mike. The divine qualities of the Veena are not sacrificed as this mike enhances the true tone (including sound frequencies in the wood grains which lend an unique aura to the resonance of strings).
HOW TO RECOGNIZE BY SOUND- Essentially acoustic. The wholesome tone due to the combo of wood and string make the Veena nadam ethereal. The player's penance is evident in the enhancement of nada (resonance) due to transmission of life force energy from player into the Veena.
The magnetic mike is bigger and rectangular in shapr. This is most often placed bang next to the topmost fret (or Tharasthayi shadjamam) of the Veena and right under the strings where the player uses his/her right hand forefinger and middle finger to pluck the strings. In some cases it's placed right next to the bridge too.The magnetic mike does not pick up resonance of wood. Therefore the acoustic nature of an instrument like Veena is stubbed out and the instrument is transformed into an electric instrument. When Veena transforms from acoustic to electric, the instrument loses its innate divine qualities. The nabhi (the prana shakthi arising from the mooladhara chakra) involvement of the player fails to establish contact with the Veena.
HOW TO RECOGNIZE BY SOUND-Sounds like a guitar, sitar, or an alien instrument depending on the levels of tone adjustments on the mixer-mike system. Absence of aura and body provided by wood are starkly evident. Monotonous and even tone which are uncharacteristic features of a Veena. Gimmicks like producing sound through left hand movements (without plucking the string with right hand) is a common feature.
There are 2 types of contact mikes. The acoustic contact mike (for eg., one of the many acoustic contact mikes is AKG as in the above photograph. Percussion instruments like ghatam make use of AKG for their instruments) picks up the essentially acoustic nature of an instrument, in other words the sound waves and frequencies conducted within the wood grains are also contacted and picked up by the acoustic contact mike. The divine qualities of the Veena are not sacrificed as this mike enhances the true tone (including sound frequencies in the wood grains which lend an unique aura to the resonance of strings).
HOW TO RECOGNIZE BY SOUND- Essentially acoustic. The wholesome tone due to the combo of wood and string make the Veena nadam ethereal. The player's penance is evident in the enhancement of nada (resonance) due to transmission of life force energy from player into the Veena.
The magnetic mike is bigger and rectangular in shapr. This is most often placed bang next to the topmost fret (or Tharasthayi shadjamam) of the Veena and right under the strings where the player uses his/her right hand forefinger and middle finger to pluck the strings. In some cases it's placed right next to the bridge too.The magnetic mike does not pick up resonance of wood. Therefore the acoustic nature of an instrument like Veena is stubbed out and the instrument is transformed into an electric instrument. When Veena transforms from acoustic to electric, the instrument loses its innate divine qualities. The nabhi (the prana shakthi arising from the mooladhara chakra) involvement of the player fails to establish contact with the Veena.
HOW TO RECOGNIZE BY SOUND-Sounds like a guitar, sitar, or an alien instrument depending on the levels of tone adjustments on the mixer-mike system. Absence of aura and body provided by wood are starkly evident. Monotonous and even tone which are uncharacteristic features of a Veena. Gimmicks like producing sound through left hand movements (without plucking the string with right hand) is a common feature.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
There is enough evidence of sacredness associated with the Jackfruit Tree. Lord Krishna has always chosen the Jackfruit tree to either appear under it as Guruvayoorappan or to instruct the King of Manipur (in the 18th century) in his dream to carve out His images from it. 7 images of Lord Krishna were carved out of the Jackfruit tree and placed in temples in Manipur and Assam. In Imphal , Sri Govind temple has one of these 7 idols.
Lord Krishna had appeared as Guruvayoorappan under Jackfruit tree and the same is being worshipped in Sri Krishna temple in Neyyattinkara, Kerala.
Jackfruit tree is recognised as a sacred tree of Kaliyuga and known as the "Protector Tree" (Chaitya Vriksha). The leaves of the Jackfruit tree are an antidote for snakebites. One of the Pancha Mahavadyas used in rituals in Kerala temples is Idakka (originating from Lord Shiva's Damaru) which is made out of Jackfruit wood. Idakka is also known as God's own instrument! It is believed that the divine vibrations of the Jackfruit wood Idakka activates the kundalini (life-force energy) of the player as well as the listeners.
Another instrument made out of Jackfruit wood is the divine thavil, which is a percussion instrument for nadaswaram. Senior most and renowned thavil vidwans swear by the quality, age and seasoning of the Jackfruit wood. They highly recommend Jackfruit wood from Sri Lanka. Mridangam, the masterly percussion instrument gets its majestic tone from Jackfruit wood.
While the Idakka, Thavil and Mridangam respect their God-given timbre and revel in the wood-generated tone by using only acoustic mike, it's surprising that many Veenas have disregarded the divine significance of Jackfruit wood by patronising the usage of magnetic pickup.
The magnetic pickup recognises only magnetic strings. Magnetic pickup has no use for the Jackfruit wood and disconnects itself from the God-given vibrations that emanate from this sacred wood. The true tone of Veena is lost once the Jackfruit wood's resonance (naadam) is cut off. Therefore Veena loses its original richness of tone while the skeletal magnetic strings serve only in transforming the tone of the Veena into that of an alien electric guitar.
On the other hand magnetic mikes facilitate gimmicks like the rendition of the entire gamut of 2 octaves on the Veena dandi and producing sound by using just the left hand and without using the right hand for plucking the string (owing to its uncharacteristically even and continuous tone) which is often misinterpreted as virtuosity and technical brilliance. Further, due to the inaccessibility of Jackfruit wood, the magnetic mike seeks to replace the tonal richness of Jackfruit wood through advanced mixer-amplification system in order to glamourise the anaemic tone of strings sans wood.
The true tone of an acoustic Saraswati Veena is not unnaturally even and monotonous like that of a magnetic-pickup Veena , the true tone of an acoustic Saraswathi Veena comes from Jackfruit wood. The rich wood-vibrations bring out wholesome nuances and musical aesthetics through tonal modulation that elevate the player spiritually.
Refer to previous postings ( Pure tone of acoustic Saraswati Veena and Golden Era- Glory of Original Acoustic Saraswati Veena by Yesteryear Legends for true tone of Veena).
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Pure tone of acoustic Saraswati Veena
True tone of an original acoustic Saraswati Veena without contact/voice mike. Recorded using mobile camera. Veena Vidushi-Smt. Shyamala Sajnani
Monday, December 9, 2019
Golden Era- Glory of Original Acoustic Saraswati Veena by yesteryear legends
1. Late Mysore Sri.Doraiswamy Iyengar, 2. Late Smt.Kalpagam Swaminathan, 3. Late Sri.Karaikudi Sambasiva Iyer, 4. Late Sri.Trivandrum R.Venkataraman, 5. Late Sri.K.S.Narayanaswamy, 6. Late Sri.Emani Sankara Sastri, 7. Late Sri. Vasa Krishnamurthy, 8. Late Smt. Ranganayaki Rajagopalan, 9. Late Sri.Chittibabu
Above are selected recordings of a few of the many yesteryear legends who were acclaimed and great Saraswati Veena ( original/acoustic) artistes. Today, there are very few original Saraswati Veena stage performers due to the invasion of Electric Guitarish "Veenas" ( made of Red Cedar wood ) Saraswati Veenas are made out of the sacred Jackfruit wood, the resonance of which is enhanced by acoustic contact mike or pickup. The resonance of the trendy Electric "Veena" is enhanced by magnetic pickups/ contact mikes which do not pickup the acoustic nature of the Veena and is totally detached from vibrations generated by the Jackfruit wood.
Watch for further detailed and investigative articles revealing all there is to know bringing to light how the trendy electric "Veena" and the original acoustic Saraswati Veena are not one and the same.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Friday, November 29, 2019
Moola Nakshatra (3)
Lord Anjaneya Swami
Sri Sangeetha Anjaneya Swami Temple, Mandaveli, CHENNAI
At one time Lord Anjaneya judged a Veena competition between Sage Thumburu and Sage Narada. After the competition Lord Anjaneya rendered celestial music on a fretless Veena. The divinity of Lord Anjaneya's music was such that Lord Vishnu Himself appeared before Anjaneya and both Sages Thumburu and Narada felt humbled.
Apart from the temple above which is in Mandaveli, there is an ancient 2000 years old temple in Mappedu (Thiruvellore District, Tamil Nadu) called the Singeeswarar Temple that has Lord Anjaneya's idol playing the Veena. This is a temple for Moola Nakshatra.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Veena Fraternity!
November 19th, 2019 at Saket Pranam, Hyderabad, Telangana. Proud and happy to be with Veena vidwan and vidushis- From left- Smt.Jayalakshmi Sekhar, Smt.Krishnakumari, Smt. Kadiyala Padmavathi, myself, Smt. Kaza Subhashini Shastry, Sri. Ayyagari Syamasundaram and Smt. Ayyagari Jayalakshmi
Monday, November 4, 2019
Brahmaputra Pushkarini
Above video, inauguration of Brahmaputra Pushkarini this morning by Chief Minister of Assam, Sri. Sarbananda Sonowal
Brahmaputra Pushkarini, at Guwahati, Assam as Jupiter has entered Sagittarius and constellation Lyra this morning (November 5th). Ring Nebula closely situated to Lyra and representing Lord Brahma in the above image.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Moola Nakshatra (2)
Emperor and Rudra Veena exponent Ravana praying to Rudra Veena Supremo Lord Shiva at Mount Kailash
My favorite actor late Sri.N.T.Ramarao as Ravanaasura (from the movie Seetharama Kalyanam) playing Veena literally from his nabhi ( nerves and intestines ripped out from his gut region) to appease Lord Shiva.
Late Dr. Sri.Emani SankaraSastrigaru's unparalleled Veena rendering Vedas, ragam and thanam in Raga Mukhari was recorded for this sequence
Incidentally gut strings were used in the making of old guitars, especially the Spanish and classical ones. Intestines from dead lambs and bulls were taken, dried and cleaned as thoroughly as possible before stringing them onto the guitars.
The Asura King, Ravana had Moola/Lyra constellation/Vega as his asterism. King Ravana was a great Rudra Veena exponent and knew every nuance of Veena playing. A great scholar and having mastered the Vedas, Ravana had composed many songs and ragas in praise of Lord Shiva. The musician Emperor Ravana had also competed with Sage Agasthya in music.
Ravana attained a state of Oneness with his Veena by dedicating his Veena playing to Lord Shiva. At one stage he literally ripped out his intestines to use them as Veena strings. It is believed that Ravana made a Veena using his ten heads as the Veena gourd, his arm as the Veena dandi and his nerves and intestines as gut strings of the Veena to play on them. As I had stated earlier, the activation of Sushumna Nadi while playing the Veena happens through retention of breath (Kumbhakam). Kumbhakam takes place when the Veena player is in Samyoga ( 'samyoga' is an act of merging of the practitioner with the music he is producing on the Veena), the act of Samyoga takes place when the practitioner performs from his 'nabhi' (gut) region where the Solar Plexus (Manipura) chakra is situated. This chakra which represents the Sun God and the Gayathri Mantra is said to be one of the most powerful chakras among the seven chakras inside the human spinal chord. Will-power, assertion, leadership, tremendous self-confidence, action and absolute power are the characteristics of solar plexus or manipura chakra. The intestines are governed by the solar plexus chakra. By using the intestines and nerves surrounding the intestines as Veena strings King Ravana had undoubtedly attained Oneness with the Consciousness of Lord Shiva.
Saint Thyagaraja in the charanam of his krithi Mokashamu Galada in Saramathi says, "Veena Vaadana Loludau Shiva Manovidhamerugaru..." which literally means "Liberation is difficult for people who do not understand the mind of Lord Shiva, who enjoys playing his Veena in tune with the universal resonance or naadam. Attuning oneself to the divine consciousness of Lord Shiva is "moksha" itself."
Lord Shiva whose Nakshatra is Thiruvadirai/Ardra (Rahu's asterism) in Mithuna Rasi or Gemini and Ravana who belonged to the Moola (Ketu's asterism) in Dhanush Rasi or Sagittarius are in mutual aspect with each other (Sama Sapthama Bhavam).
Lord Rama, after killing Ravana went to Rameswaram. The Lord then installed a Shiva Lingam in Ramanathaswamy Temple and along with Sitadevi and Lakshmana offered prayers to the Shiva Linga to absolve the sin (Brahma Hatya Pathakam) of killing Ravana who is a brahmin and also a devotee who endeared himself to Lord Shiva through his Veena!
Friday, October 25, 2019
Loving Lyra
After a concert in a temple in Devakottai in 1970
Silver Jubilee concert in Sri Parthasarathy Swami Sabha in late 60s
In Shimoga in 1968 (Baby Gayathri)
First photo session with Lyra in 1968 (Baby Gayathri)
My first concert in Pillayar Temple, R.A.Puram in 1968
Late 60s concert in some organisation in Chromepet (Baby Gayathri)
One of the innumerable concerts with Madurai Sri.T.Srinivasan (Baby Gayathri)
My first photo with Lyra (Baby Gayathri)
Silver Jubilee performance in Sri Parthasarathy Swami Sabha, late 60s
( Sri.Venkatakrishnan, President of the sabha addressing the audience, late Smt.D.K.Pattammal seen seated on the dias)- Baby Gayathri
Ravindra Bharathi, Hyderabad (Baby Gayathri)
At the age 9 (Baby Gayathri)
At 11 (Baby Gayathri)
Late 60s in Machilipatnam (Baby Gayathri)
Late 60s in British Council, Chennai. Sri.Palghat Sundaram-mridangam (Baby Gayathri)
Receiving first prize for best Veena in competition conducted by the government of Tamil Nadu in 1971 from late Sri.Kalyanakrishna Bhagavathar (Baby Gayathri)
With late Sri.Allah Rakha, late Pandit Sri.Ravishankar, late Smt. Lakshmi Shankar (Baby Gayathri)
Performing with late Sri. Madurai Sri.T.Srinivasan
Late 60s in British Council (Baby Gayathri)
Late Pandit Sri.Ravishankar blessing me (Baby Gayathri)
Origin of Veena- LYRA (Harp)
In one's natal chart the strength of Sagittarius (Dhanush Rasi) and aspects on Moola (Lyra)
as well as the asterism's individual strength and nature based on the Ascendant (Lagna) and Moon are also taken into consideration to assess the native's prowess in Veena. Strong Sun, Moon and Ascendant apart from other important aspects based again on Sun, Moon and Ascendant are calculated for a Lyra/Veena/Vega connection of a native.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Moola Nakshatra (1)
Goddess Kali belongs to the Nakshatra Moola. According to puranas Kali is also known as Nirrti (Alakshmi). There is a temple for Nirrti known as the Rajarani temple in Bhuvaneswar, Orissa. The Rajarani temple is also known as "The Love Temple" and Khajuraho Temple is believed to have been inspired by Rajarani Temple and built on the guidelines of its architecture.
This temple features the 8 Guardians (Dikpaalakas) protecting the Gopuram at 8 compass points. The Guardians begin with the Headof the Demi-Gods INDRA (East) being the first Guardian, followed by AGNI, The Fire God (South -East), YAMA, The God of Death (South), NIRRITI ,The Goddess of the Black Asuras (South-West), VARUNA, The God of Water (West), VAYU,The God of Wind (North West), KUBERA, The God of Wealth (North), shown with a wish-granting tree (Kalpavruksham), and ISHAANA (North-East), The Face of Lord Shiva, and Master of all knowledge.
According to Vedic astrology Nirriti reigns over Moola/Lyra asterism. Moola nakshatra which is owned by Ketu is controlled by Goddess Kali/Nirriti.
It is significant to note that in Devi Mahtmya Goddess Saraswathi is said to be among the Trinity of Maha Kali. Maha Lakshmi and Maha Saraswathi. She is depicted with 8 lotus-like hands holding the bell, trident, ploughshare, conch, pestle, discus, bow and arrow. Her body-lustre is likened to the moon brilliantly shining in the autumn sky. She is born from the body of Parvathi and is the sustaining base of the three worlds. Maha Saraswathi in Devi Mahatmya had destroyed Shumbha/Nishumbha and other Asuras.
The Eleventh Chapter of Devi Mahatmya is in praise of Goddess Narayani in which there is a shloka in praise of Goddess Saraswathi:-
"Medhey Saraswathi Varey Bhoothi Bhaabhravi Thaamasi, Niyathethvam Praseedeshey Naaraayani Namosthuthey!"
Therefore Goddess Kali whose other form is Goddess Saraswathi is Nada Swaroopini and Veena is Her Inner Consciousness!
Monday, October 21, 2019
Brahma Muhurtham and Cygnus Constellation
Brahma Muhurtham (meaning "The Hour of the Creator"!) is associated with Cygnus constellation and directly controlled by Lord Brahma Himself. Brahma Muhurtham is roughly between 4.15 to 5.30 am every morning. This period is absolutely under the influence of Lord Brahma Who is seated on Ring Nebula (M57) on the abode of Cygnus constellation along with His Divine Consort, Goddess Saraswathi who is holding the Lyra (Veena) in Her hands. Further, the Sushumna Nadi is said to be active during this time ( also according to Ayurveda the Brahma Muhurtham is under the influence of Vata Dosha during which time the mind is still and calm).
Practising Veena during Brahma Muhurtham that comes under the influence of Cygnus constellation is the ultimate penance in the life of a human being.
Brahma Muhurtham (meaning "The Hour of the Creator"!) is associated with Cygnus constellation and directly controlled by Lord Brahma Himself. Brahma Muhurtham is roughly between 4.15 to 5.30 am every morning. This period is absolutely under the influence of Lord Brahma Who is seated on Ring Nebula (M57) on the abode of Cygnus constellation along with His Divine Consort, Goddess Saraswathi who is holding the Lyra (Veena) in Her hands. Further, the Sushumna Nadi is said to be active during this time ( also according to Ayurveda the Brahma Muhurtham is under the influence of Vata Dosha during which time the mind is still and calm).
Practising Veena during Brahma Muhurtham that comes under the influence of Cygnus constellation is the ultimate penance in the life of a human being.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Jupiter entering Lyra/Moola on November 5th, 2019!!
Jupiter is entering the sign of Sagittarius and Nakshatra Moola of Goddess Saraswathi on November 5th 2019!! Sagittarius is the Bow of Lord Rama (Kodhandam), where knowledgeable Jupiter would be in close quarters with spiritual Ketu and the philosophic planet Saturn (Kodhanda Sani).
The River Brahmaputra ( meaning "Son of Brahma" ) originates from Lake Manasarovar. Lake Manasarovar was first created in the mind of Lord Brahma. The manifestation of Lake Manasarovar on earth happened only after its creation in Lord Brahma's mind.
As Jupiter enters Sagittarius on November 5th this year the Pushkar on the banks of River Brahmaputra will commence and last upto November 16th.
Whenever Jupiter enters Moola Nakshatra which is Goddess Saraswathi's constellation( which will happen once in 12 years) the Pushkar takes place on the banks of Brahmaputra because Lord Brahma is seated in a very close range of Cygnus and Lyra.
I was fortunate to chance upon this article published by AstroSage magazine (article written by Sri. V.G.R.Pavan). The above image and description of Lord Brahma's placement near Cygnus (Seat Of Goddess Saraswathi) and Lyra (Veena of Goddess Saraswathi) are given as follows:-
"Lyra is a constellation in Paradise. It is situated near the celestial Swan, Cygnus. The above is an image showing the location of Cygnus and Lyra (written in Red) in the galaxy and the unending space which is the cosmos. In the same image above we also find M57 named after an astronomer Messiah and the number corresponds to his list of observations. M57 is also known as Ring Nebula.
The Ring Nebula presents the picture of a Lotus (Seat of Lord Brahma). Ring Nebula forms a great part of the constellation Lyra. In Greek Mythology Lyra was considered and admired as Lyre or Harp, whereas according to Hinduism Lyra is the Veena in the Hands of Goddess Saraswathi. Vega, the brightest asterism in Lyra constellation is located close to Lyra (See image of constellations given above).
Vega has another name, Epsilon Lyra. Epsilon is a Greek alphabet used by astronomers for naming asterisms in a constellation according to the illumination of each star. The brightest star is Alpha, the second brightest is Beta etc.
The 2 pairs of sub-stars ( four minute stars) in Vega revolve around each other at optimum speed with all the 4 tiny stars in Vega facing 4 different directions at any particular point of time. Hindu mythology describes the Four-Faces of Lord Brahma based on the location and movements of these 4 sub-stars belonging to Vega (Epsilon Lyra)!
Ring Nebula being the lotus on which Four Faced Lord Brahma (Vega/Epsilon Lyra) is seated and Goddess Saraswathi is holding Lyra and both have an abode of Swan which is none other than Cygnus."-Sri.V.G.R.Pavan
Jupiter is entering the sign of Sagittarius and Nakshatra Moola of Goddess Saraswathi on November 5th 2019!! Sagittarius is the Bow of Lord Rama (Kodhandam), where knowledgeable Jupiter would be in close quarters with spiritual Ketu and the philosophic planet Saturn (Kodhanda Sani).
The River Brahmaputra ( meaning "Son of Brahma" ) originates from Lake Manasarovar. Lake Manasarovar was first created in the mind of Lord Brahma. The manifestation of Lake Manasarovar on earth happened only after its creation in Lord Brahma's mind.
As Jupiter enters Sagittarius on November 5th this year the Pushkar on the banks of River Brahmaputra will commence and last upto November 16th.
Whenever Jupiter enters Moola Nakshatra which is Goddess Saraswathi's constellation( which will happen once in 12 years) the Pushkar takes place on the banks of Brahmaputra because Lord Brahma is seated in a very close range of Cygnus and Lyra.
I was fortunate to chance upon this article published by AstroSage magazine (article written by Sri. V.G.R.Pavan). The above image and description of Lord Brahma's placement near Cygnus (Seat Of Goddess Saraswathi) and Lyra (Veena of Goddess Saraswathi) are given as follows:-
"Lyra is a constellation in Paradise. It is situated near the celestial Swan, Cygnus. The above is an image showing the location of Cygnus and Lyra (written in Red) in the galaxy and the unending space which is the cosmos. In the same image above we also find M57 named after an astronomer Messiah and the number corresponds to his list of observations. M57 is also known as Ring Nebula.
The Ring Nebula presents the picture of a Lotus (Seat of Lord Brahma). Ring Nebula forms a great part of the constellation Lyra. In Greek Mythology Lyra was considered and admired as Lyre or Harp, whereas according to Hinduism Lyra is the Veena in the Hands of Goddess Saraswathi. Vega, the brightest asterism in Lyra constellation is located close to Lyra (See image of constellations given above).
Vega has another name, Epsilon Lyra. Epsilon is a Greek alphabet used by astronomers for naming asterisms in a constellation according to the illumination of each star. The brightest star is Alpha, the second brightest is Beta etc.
The 2 pairs of sub-stars ( four minute stars) in Vega revolve around each other at optimum speed with all the 4 tiny stars in Vega facing 4 different directions at any particular point of time. Hindu mythology describes the Four-Faces of Lord Brahma based on the location and movements of these 4 sub-stars belonging to Vega (Epsilon Lyra)!
Ring Nebula being the lotus on which Four Faced Lord Brahma (Vega/Epsilon Lyra) is seated and Goddess Saraswathi is holding Lyra and both have an abode of Swan which is none other than Cygnus."-Sri.V.G.R.Pavan
या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुà¤्रवस्त्रावृता |
या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना ||
या ब्रह्माच्युतशंकरप्रà¤ृतिà¤िर्देवः सदा पूजिता |
सा मां पातु सरस्वति à¤à¤—वती निःशेषजाड्यापहा ||
The above shloka by Sage Agasthya describes Goddess Saraswathi as the white constellation Lyra!!
Friday, October 18, 2019
Lecture/Demonstration in KM Conservatory- Music School Of A.R.Rahman (July10th, 2019)
My acoustic veena performance for KMC
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Temple for Moola Nakshatra- Singeeswarar Temple in Arakkonam District
VEENA ANJANEYA Star- Lyra/Moola)
This ancient temple though meant for Moola Nakshatra natives is generally good for aspirants of music/fine arts and specifically Veena. The idol of Lord Anjaneya playing the Veena is a special feature in this temple. As an obsessive Lexigram analyst I couldn't fail but notice that the main deity is "Sing" eeswarar- conveying the stress on the significance of music attached to this temple.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Lyra- Moola
The Summer Triangle constituted by the 3 constellations-
1. Cygnus- Swan (Hamsa)
2. Lyra- Harp (Veena)
3. Aquila- Eagle (Garuda)
The constellation Lyra, which literally means Lyre or Harp in Latin (the origin of Veena) belongs to the Cygnus constellation. Cygnus constellation which is in the centre of the Milky Way means "Seat of the Swan" in Latin. According to Vedic astrology Cygnus constellation which is in the shape of a Swan is the Seat of Goddess Saraswathi (Hamsa Vahanam).
Lyra is the first star of Sagittarius (First 12 to 13 days of the rising of this constellation in Sagittarius happens when Sun enters this Zodiac sign). Vega belonging to Lyra is the one of the most brilliant stars in the night sky. This star Vega is bright blue in colour and means "HE SHALL BE EXALTED" in Arabic.
Reportedly Sun and all the planets are rushing towards Vega (which is in Lyra constellation) at the rate of 12 miles per second!! Certain authentic scriptures claim that there is fulfillment of Seed Promise in Sagittarius which contains the constellation of Lyra (Moola) in it. These scriptures have elaborated further that Sagittarius holds a Savior's promise of paying the penalty for the sins of human beings including that of Adam and Eve. What caught my attention was the word "Seed". Seed means origin, origin means root, root means Moola- Moola nakshatra which literally indicates the Root Chakra. Moola Nakshatra signifies Lord Vighneswara, the First Lord, for removing obstacles.
Tropical zodiac system arrives at Uttarashadha Nakshatra for Vega (Lyra), but strictly according to sidereal zodiac calculations it is Moola Nakshatra that correlates with Vega (Lyra). Great spiritual and mythological personalities who are acclaimed Veena players have their Moon in Moola Nakshatra and Moola is the root, the origin which is why Sun and its planets and almost everything in the galaxy are heading back to the origin, Moola at a rate of 12 miles per second - signifying the CREATION AND DISSOLUTION of the Universe!
Monday, September 30, 2019
Cygnus - Seat of the Swan and Hamsa Vahanam of Goddess Saraswathi
The video below is a trip to the Cygnus Constellation which is the seat of Goddess Saraswathi. Sharad Navarathri ( Moola Nakshatra) which falls on the 5th of October, 2019 is directly connected to this constellation which is the seat of the Swan, Hamsa Vahanam of Goddess Saraswathi. I am coming out with fascinating details at the earliest.
The video below is a trip to the Cygnus Constellation which is the seat of Goddess Saraswathi. Sharad Navarathri ( Moola Nakshatra) which falls on the 5th of October, 2019 is directly connected to this constellation which is the seat of the Swan, Hamsa Vahanam of Goddess Saraswathi. I am coming out with fascinating details at the earliest.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The Body Temple (Part 7) (Secrets Of Kasi Temple)

As told by the yogi:- " I was curious to know what was inside the mosque. I entered the mosque to find out. The mosque led the way into a huge basin of water where devout muslims used to cleanse their face, hands and feet in preparation for "Namaaz"( Islamic prayers). I found out that first there used to be a Shiva Lingam in the middle of the make-shift lake and rightfully in front of the Nandi. After making enquiries as to why the Lingam had to be shifted behind the rear of the Nandi, I came to know that a Moghul Empeor named Aurangazeb had demolished the original Sri.Kasi Visweswara Temple and had built a mosque in that place for his people. Ofcourse, as you all know, these events have been widely mentioned in children's books on Indian history. Let me also tell you my observations!
The event of Aurangazeb's act of demolishing of our sacred Sri. Kasi Visweswara Temple has been mentioned in "The Brief History Of India".
During the regime of Aurangazeb, his fanatic tendencies were well-known among the general public. In 1677-A.D., exactly 253 years ago ( before the time of the publication of Sri.Paramahamasa Sachchidananda Yogeeswarar's "Shareeradevaalaya Rahasya Paarijaathamu" in 1930), demonstrating his love for his beloved muslim citizens, Aurangazeb destroyed Sri.Kasi Visweswara Temple and built in its place a great mosque for all the devout muslims to perform Namaaz.The Shiva Lingam used to be exactly in the middle of the lake of water created for the religious muslims to wash their face, hands and feet for Namaaz."
(To be continued....)
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