Saturday, January 28, 2023
Sunday, January 22, 2023
GURU CHANDALA YOGA-22nd April To 30th OCTOBER 2023
Last time Guru Chandala Yoga occurred was in the sign of Leo (Kalapurusha's 5th house), between 30th January 2016 to 11the August 2016. The closer the degree of conjunction, the more intense is the yoga. In 2016 when Jupiter and Rahu were around 3 degrees from each other (roughly between June 2nd to July 13th) I felt the jolt as VC.
Guru Chandala Yoga affects people in authority, especially those in the capacity of tutors, lecturers, Gurus, preceptors etc.
Rahu as 'chandala' with its animal instincts and greed for money and power has a jarring effect on the gentle, wise and peace-loving Jupiter. Jupiter feels uneasier and restricted by the minute as Rahu moves closer to Jupiter in an anti-clockwise direction.
2023 is bracing itself for yet another Guru Chandala Yoga that is going to occur in the sign of Aries from 22nd April to 30th October. The point to be noted is that the yoga will happen in Kalapurusha's lagna or ascendant which is Aries and this will affect the world in many dimensions.
Prayers to Guru Bhagavan and astrological remedial measures can mitigate evil effects of the toxic transit.
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