The fiery planet Mars entered Gemini (owned by enemy Mercury) on the 13th of March, 2023. Bracing for the entry of Mars into all the 4 padas of Ardra nakshatra (owned by Rahu) from 27th March to 22nd April, hardly 2 weeks away from now. Period of turbulence. Unexpected events, certainly not of a pleasant kind can be anticipated. One may recall Mars transit in Ardra nakshatra between 24th April to 17th May 2021 when people's lives were tossed and turned due to the nightmarish second wave of Corona.
With the threat of H3N2 and H1N1 looming large, precautions in general and in personal matters (nature of problems depends on Gemini's position from one's moon sign or ascendant. The placement of one's natal Mars, or its Lordship of Dasa- Bhukthi also have to be taken into account). Prayers to Lord Subramanya or Lord Narasimha can help to some extent.
Ardra being the nakshatra of Lord Rudra, parayanam (chanting) of Shiva Kavacham is highly recommended.
In the meantime the planet of communication Mercury enters Aries (owned by Mars) in a parivartana yoga (exchange yaga) with Mars. Mercury remains in Aries between 31st of March to the 14th of May. Prior to its retrograde movement Mercury becomes stationary around the 21st of April just as Mars prepares to leave Ardra. The movement and condition of the planet of speed and communication Mercury has to be tracked for its significant impact on Mars and vice versa.