Showing posts with label Astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astrology. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 14, 2023



The fiery planet Mars entered Gemini (owned by enemy Mercury) on the 13th of March, 2023. Bracing for the entry of Mars into all the 4 padas of Ardra nakshatra (owned by Rahu) from 27th March to 22nd April, hardly 2 weeks away from now. Period of turbulence. Unexpected events, certainly not of a pleasant kind can be anticipated. One may recall Mars transit in Ardra nakshatra between 24th April to 17th May 2021 when people's lives were tossed and turned due to the nightmarish second wave of Corona.

With the threat of H3N2 and H1N1 looming large, precautions in general and in personal matters (nature of problems depends on Gemini's position from one's moon sign or ascendant. The placement of one's natal Mars, or its Lordship of Dasa- Bhukthi also have to be taken into account). Prayers to Lord Subramanya or Lord Narasimha can help to some extent.

Ardra being the nakshatra of Lord Rudra, parayanam (chanting) of Shiva Kavacham is highly recommended. 

In the meantime the planet of communication Mercury enters Aries (owned by Mars) in a parivartana yoga (exchange yaga) with Mars. Mercury remains in Aries between 31st of March to the 14th of May. Prior to its retrograde movement Mercury becomes stationary around the 21st of April just as Mars prepares to leave Ardra. The movement and condition of the planet of speed and communication Mercury has to be tracked for its significant impact on Mars and vice versa.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

GURU CHANDALA YOGA-22nd April To 30th OCTOBER 2023


Guru Chandala Yoga happens when the benevolent Jupiter is in conjunction with Rahu in the same zodiac sign or rasi. The grace of Jupiter is marred due to the presence of Rahu and is expected not to offer its characteristic good qualities.

Last time Guru Chandala Yoga occurred was in the sign of Leo (Kalapurusha's 5th house), between 30th January 2016 to 11the August 2016. The closer the degree of conjunction, the more intense is the yoga. In 2016 when Jupiter and Rahu were around 3 degrees from each other (roughly between June 2nd to July 13th) I felt the jolt as VC.

Guru Chandala Yoga affects people in authority, especially those in the capacity of tutors, lecturers, Gurus, preceptors etc. 

Rahu as 'chandala' with its animal instincts and greed for money and power has a jarring effect on the gentle, wise and peace-loving Jupiter. Jupiter feels uneasier and restricted by the minute as Rahu moves closer to Jupiter in an anti-clockwise direction.

2023 is bracing itself for yet another Guru Chandala Yoga that is going to occur in the sign of Aries from 22nd April to 30th October. The point to be noted is that the yoga will happen in Kalapurusha's lagna or ascendant which is Aries and this will affect the world in many dimensions.

Prayers to Guru Bhagavan and astrological remedial measures can mitigate evil effects of the toxic transit.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022





Moon transits from Gemini to Cancer on June 30th at 6.23 PM. Moon remains in Cancer from June 30th evening to July 3rd at 6.30 AM.

The planetary configuration while Moon is in Cancer is extraordinary with 6 planets occupying their own houses. Saturn in Aquarius, Jupiter in Pisces, Mars in Aries, Venus in Taurus, Mercury in Gemini (according to sidereal zodiac) and Moon in Cancer.

Worship of Gods and planets will yield special results.

Sunday, May 22, 2022



 Five planets stare at Scorpio zodiac sign on the 27th of June, 2022. Scorpio comes under the heavy scrutiny of the 10th aspect of Saturn from its own sign Capricorn, the 9th aspect of Jupiter from its own sign Pisces, the 7th aspect of Venus from its own sign Taurus and Moon from its sign of exaltation Taurus and the 8th aspect of Mars from its own sign Aries (while crossing its 'gandanta' period). It has to be noted that Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are in their own signs while Moon is in its sign of exaltation during the 5-planets-aspect of Scorpio impacting natives with last pada Visakha, Anuradha and Jyeshta nakshatras. Scorpio which is owned by Mars is strengthened further by the 8th aspect of Mars. The 'gandanta' period of Mars while aspecting Scorpio (with the added burden of Chandrashtama for Scorpio during Mars's 'gandanta') and Mars-Rahu conjunction periods are the durations of concern for Scorpio natives (last pada of Vishakha, Anuradha and Jyeshta natives).

Moon, owing to its short transit moves out from its exaltation in Taurus on 28th June at 5:33 AM releasing Scorpio from its direct glare. From Taurus Moon moves to Gemini, forming the 'Chandrashtama' for Scorpio (Moon in 8th house). 

The Mars gandanta period continues from June 27th (as it enters Aswini 1st pada in Aries at 6:00AM). The gandanta of Mars ends at 3:20 degrees in Aries, somewhere between the first and second padas of Aswini in Aries. It's noteworthy that throughout the period of 'gandanta' and the 8th aspect of Mars on Scorpio,  this zodiac sign also comes under the heaviness of 'Chandrashtama', which is the transit of Moon in the 8th house (from June 28th 5:33AM onwards to June 30th 6:23PM).

Jupiter's benevolent Grace through its 9th aspect from Pisces and the strong 10th aspect of Saturn from its own house Aquarius provide ample cushioning to Scorpio due to Mars's gandanta 8th aspect (until till Mars crosses the first 3:20 degrees of Aries).

Another point of concern is the close conjunction of Mars and Rahu in the watery Venus-owned Bharani nakshatra in the third week of July 2022. The fiery Mars is aggravated by the shadowy planet Rahu while casting its 8th aspect on Scorpio through its gandanta and Rahu-conjunction transits. Another point to note is that the Sun enters watery Cancer (on July 16th at 11:11PM) which is already under the heavy 4th aspect of Mars influenced by Rahu. 

Mars, a yogakaraka planet for Cancer casts its benevolent 4th aspect on Cancer.  Points of concern for Cancer natives are Sun's entry into Cancer, Mars's 'gandanta' 4th aspect and Mars-Rahu conjunctions. While Cancer enjoys Jupiter's 5th aspect, Saturn's presence in Aquarius is a bitter reminder of Ashtama Shani.

Mars-Rahu conjunction comes under the heavy 3rd aspect of Saturn from its own sign Aquarius.

Prayers to Lord Narasimha Swami and Lord Subrahmanya Swami offer relief for all, especially for Cancer, Libra and Scorpio natives.

Thursday, February 11, 2021



Listening or chanting the above everyday enhances native's natal chart's benefic Rahu or mitigates malefic Rahu results during Rahu Mahadasha/Antardasha period as well as during Rahu transits.

Friday, April 10, 2020



The planet Sun transits into Aries, its sign of exaltation on the 13th of April to stay there for a month (upto the 14th of May).  As Sun enters Aries, he'll be entering Ashwini nakshatra- the star of Ashwini Kumaras ( the twin healers in the form of twin youths with horse heads and dressed in a golden armour). They are sons of planet Sun,  Nasathya (Health God) and Dashra (Medicine God) known to be physicians of God. According to Hindu mythology the Ashwini Kumaras are rescuers of the sick, bedridden and unfortunate people. Sun transits Ashwini nakshatra for nearly 13 days starting from the 13th of April. The transit of an exalted Sun in Ashwini nakshatra  should bestow cure of chronic illnesses and healing of  sick people on planet earth. But the fourth aspect of an exalted Mars (from the sign of Capricorn) on Sun between 13th April to May 4th is puzzling. Mars being a fiery planet aspecting an equally fiery planet, Sun and both these fiery planets in exaltation!! Phew!!! Saturn's transit in Capricorn along with a debilitated Jupiter (enjoying Neechabhanga Raja yoga) adds to Mars's aggression. If Vakya panchangam  (sidereal zodiac) and Thirunallaru Saneeswarar temple are to be followed, Saturn is still stationed in Sagittarius along with Ketu.  Vakya panchangam states that the transit  of Saturn from Sagittarius to Capricorn is expected to take place only on the 27th of  December, 2020.  Whereas the Tropical zodiac states that the transit of Saturn from Sagittarius to Capricorn has already taken place on the 24th of January, 2020. 
Body heat, feverish activity and over exercising maybe avoided between April 13th to May 4th.On May 4th Mars leaves Capricorn to enter Aquarius, out of its exaltation and aspect of Sun. Sun’s entry on April 27th into Bharani nakshatra should bring about relief from heat and aggression.

Sunday, January 26, 2020


Sekhmet in Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance oracle cards and The Strength tarot card (Celtic Cross, Rider-Waite etc.) represent Goddess Durga. This is a great card to draw as it assures Divine protection and extraordinary courage of the querent despite ominous surrounding cards. 
Sekhmet is an Egyptian lion Goddess. Sekhmet is the Goddess of Sun, war, turmoil and ultimate healing. Even from the point of view of pronology Sekhmet sounds close to Shakthi. Amazing that this Egyptian Goddess has a beejakshara- Sem. I also happened to stumble across  a mantra ( wish I knew its origin)- Om Sem Sekhmet Durgaya Namaha. Many are unaware of Durga-Sekhmet connection and that They are worshipped together in mantra form!

The Persian/Iranian Goddess Anahita who appears in divine oracle readings and psychic predictions is a Goddess of water, fertility and protector of women. Pronology relates Anahita with the Heart Chakra (Anahatha Chakra). This Goddess is a Guard of the mankind and the Persian counterpart of Goddess Durga. (DURGA lexigram/anagram- GUARD).

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturn chills in Virgo!

Today's transit of Saturn from Leo to Virgo is a great relief for all zodiac signs. Saturn is at its worst in Leo, an inimical sign, owned by Sun, a deadly enemy of Saturn.
Sun and Saturn are father and son, but mutual enemies.They are opposite to each other in their nature and qualities.Aries is where the Sun is exalted, it is here that Saturn is debilitated. Again Saturn is exalted in Libra, where Sun is debilitated. Sun is the ruler of East, whereas Saturn reigns over the West. Sun is aristocratic and the King, Saturn denotes labour and servant-class.
With an intolerance of the highest degree between them, Saturn's transit in the Sun-owned-Leo in the last two and a half years had every reason for causing shudders in natives, especially in their sade-sathi (seven and a half saturn), kantaka Sani (Saturn in 7th house), ashtama sani (Saturn in 8th house) and ardhaashtama Sani (Saturn in 4th house) and people who are running their Sani Mahadasa. All the natives belonging to Kataka, Mesha,Kumbha,Makara, Rishabha etc. have every reason rejoice. Vrischika Rasi, Mesha Rasi and Kataka Rasi are on the list of favourites of Saturn throughout its transit in Virgo.
Due to the bitter enemity between Sun-Saturn, the past two and a half year transit of Saturn in Sun's house has not been able to yield the best of results in favour of the so-called benefitting rasis like Mithuna, Meena and Thula. Saturn would have been capable of much more good from any other house as transiting planet in 3rd, 11th and 6th houses.
Saturn's grand entry into friendly Virgo (owned by Mercury) today to stay there for the coming two and a half years will cause overall good results for all zodiac signs, because the planet itself is heaving a great sigh of relief, after staying in an enemy's house for two and a half long years. All we have to do is to imagine how terrible we would feel if we had to stay in an enemy's house. What good can we do even if we are supposed to be favouring a chosen few (like Saturn as transiting planet of the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses?) The minute we are able to escape from the confines of an enemy's house, we will be so happy, we would end up smiling at everybody, whether they live in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th house from our residence, that is the kind of relief we all would feel! Saturn is sure to exhibit the same kind of relief and bestow His choicest blessings on all Rasis!
"Divakara Thanujam", the Krithi for Sani composed by Sri Muthuswami Dikshithar in the raga Yadukula Kambodhi is ideal for warding off Saturn- related evils. Playing, singing or even listening to it once a day and especially on Saturdays are ideal for pampering Saturn. Vishnu Sahasranamam is the best prayer for Saturn Maha Dasa and bad transits of Saturn.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nakshatras and Raga Devathas/Astrology.

There has been much talk about raga therapy.It is a vast subject that needs deep scrutiny and understanding.As far as therapy is concerned,a raga chosen for a prescribed purpose is to be understood and implemented accordingly.The jeeva swaras(key notes that contain the pulse of the raga) should be rendered in a "japa-mode"(intense and focussed) to the point of attaining "siddhi" of the raga( state of "samyoga"-unity with the raga through soulful rendering.) Therefore the fructification of a raga happens only after intense sadhana and not by merely painting a vocal or instrumental sketch of the same.The researcher should take full control of the raga through flawless rendering in order to evoke the life of the raga by coaxing the jeeva swaras.Through detailed and perfect dileanation of the raga,the researcher awakens the life-force energy of the raga !By doing so,the researcher may not be aware of the manifestation of the raga swaroopa(shape of the raga) in the form of a celestial being,invisible to the naked eye.This celestial being is none other than the Raga-devatha (demi-Goddess representing a particular raga).The researcher thus attains special boons authorized by the demi Goddess of that particular raga.There are numerous ragas that yield innumerable benefits and even influences the qualities and traits of the researcher.Yin and yang("Prakrithi-Purusha") are qualities induced by the ragas Nayaki(yin) and Darbar(yang).The coy "dha-nee dha pa ma ri..." of Nayaki versus the assertive " gaa gaa ri sa " of Darbar is a significant example of the same.Sri Muthuswami Dikshitar,in his Nayaki Krithi,"Ranganayakam" has interpreted the extreme femininity of Thayar by stressing at "dha-ni.........."lingering there right through "Ranga NAYAKI"(second verse of the pallavi)At this juncture it has to be mentioned that in the opening line "Ranganayakam",the "nayakam" is composed in such a manner that the majesty and royal command of the Lord is emphasised in the prayoga-"ri pa ma paa ri" compared to the dainty prayoga of "ri-ma-pa-dha........dha ni..."(Ranganayaki...sametham).It is ideal to practice the raga Nayaki for increase of yin in oneself and the raga Darbar for the yang factor in oneself,also as a cure for hormonal imbalance in oneself.!In all the trinity compositions,the musical expression of the qualities conveyed in the sahithya are loud and clear!
Carnatic music plays a great role in the field of vedic astrology .The 72 melakartha ragas are interwoven with the nakshatras in the zodiac system.
What are nakshatras?They are also called lunar mansions or constellations.In jyothish or Indian astrology there are 27 nakshatras prescribed by the sage Parashara(the founder of astrology).
The first nakshatra Ashwini starts at Aries 0'00" and ends at Aries 13 degrees 20 minutes.The next nakshatra Bharani starts at Aries 13.20" and ends at Aries 26.40"Then Krittika starts at Aries 26.40" and ends at Taurus 10.00"Then Rohini from taurus 10.00" to23.20 and so on,until Ravathi,which extends from Pisces16.40" to Aries 0.00".
Two nakshatras take up26'40" which is 3 degrees 20 minutes short of one full sign(a full sign is 30'00").Therefore 3 degrees 20 minutes is 1/4th of a nakshatra,and is called a nakshatra pada,or simply a pada(step).As such,Aries contains Ashwini,Bharani,,and the first pada of KrittikaTaurus contains 3 padas of Krittika,Rohini and the first two padas of Mrigasira.Each zodiac sign therefore contains 9 padas (note that 3 degrees 20 minutes multiplied by 9 is 30 " or one full zodiac sign).
The 72 melakarthas spread over all the 108 nakshatra padas are corresponding ragas meant to enhance and strengthen the particualar nakashatra of the native (whose moon was in the nakashatra at he time of his birth).To cover the entire zodiac system,each melakartha raga spreads over 5.00 degrees of the zodiac system.Nazhigai maybe calculated for accuracy(especially in the constellations where two ragas are spread,i.e,the point at which a raga finishes and the point from where another raga starts.)
The following are the nakshatras and their corresponding ragas-(Each pada -3'20",melakartha raga evenly covering 5'00" through the zodiac).
Ashwini 1st padam-Kanakangi
2nd padam-Kanakangi ,Rathnangi
3rd padam-Rathnangi
4th padam-Ganamurthi
Bharani 1st padam-Ganamurthi ,Vanaspathi

2nd padam-Vanaspathi

3rd padam-Manavathi

4th padam-Manavathi,Tanarupi

Krittika 1st padam-Tanarupi


Krittika 2nd padam-Senavathi

3rd padam-Senavathi,Hanumathodi

4th padam-Hanumathodi

Rohini 1st padam-Dhenuka

2nd padam-Dhenuka,Natakapriya

3rd padam-Natakapriya

4th padam-Kokilapriya

Mrigasira 1st padam-Kokilapriya,Rupavathi

2nd padam-Rupavathi


Mrigasira - 3rd padam-Gayakapriya

4th padam-Gayakapriya,Vakula Bharanam

Ardra- 1st padam-Vakula Bharanam

2nd padam-Mayamalavagowla

3rd padam-Mayamalavagowla,Chakravakam

4th padam-Chakravakam

Punarvasu- 1st padam-Suryakantham

2nd padam-Suryakantham,Hatakambari

3rd padam-Hatakamabari


Punarvasu- 4th padam-Jhankaradhwani

Pushyami- 1st padam-Jhankaradhwani,Natabhairavi

2nd padam-Natabhairavi

3rd padam-Keeravani

4th padam-Keeravani,Kharaharapriya

Aslesha- 1st padam-Kharaharapriya

2nd padam-Gowrimanohari

3rd padam-Gowrimanohari,Varunapriya

4th padam-Varunapriya


Makham- 1st padam-Mararanjani

2nd padam-Mararanjani,Charukesi

3rd padam-Charukesi

4th padam-Sarasangi

Poorva Phalguni- 1st padam-Sarasangi,Harikambodhi

2nd padam-Harikambodhi

3rd padam-Dheera Sankarabharanam

4th padam-Dheera Sankarabharanam,Naganandini

Uttara Phalguni- 1st padam-Naganandini


Uttara Phalguni- 2nd padam-Yagapriya

3rd padam-Yagapriya,Ragavardhini

4th padam-Ragavardhini

Hastha- 1st padam-Gangeyabhushani

2nd padam-Gangeybhushani,Vagadheeswari

3rd padam-Vagadheeswari

4th padam-Shoolini

Chittha- 1st padam-Shoolini,Chalanata

2nd padam-Chalanata


Chittha- 3rd padam-Salagam

4th padam-Salagam, Jalarnavam

Swathi- 1st padam-Jalarnavam

2nd padam-Jhalavarali

3rd padam-Jhalavarali,Navaneetham

4th padam-Navaneetham

Visakha- 1st padam-Pavani

2nd padam-Pavani,Raghupriya

3rd padam-Raghupriya


Visakha- 4th padam-Gavambodhi

Anuradha- 1st padam-Gavambodhi,Bhavapriya

2nd padam-Bhavapriya

3rd padam-Subhapantuvarali

4th padam-Subhapantuvarali,Shadvidamargini

Jyeshta- 1st padam-Shadvidamargini

2nd padam-Suvarnangi

3rd padam-Suvarnangi,Divyamani

4th padam-Divyamani


Moola- 1st padam-Dhavalambari

2nd padam-Dhavalambari,Namanarayani

3rd padam-Namanarayani

4th padam-Kamavardhini

Poorva Shadha- 1st padam-Kamavardhini,Ramapriya

2nd padam-Ramapriya

3rd padam-Gamanasrama

4th padam-Gamanasrama,Viswambari

Uttara Shadha- 1st padam-Viswambari


2nd padam-Syamalangi

3rd padam-Syamalangi,Shanmukhapriya

4th padam-Shanmukhapriya

Sravanam- 1st padam-Simhendramadhyamam

2nd padam-Simhendramadhyamam,Hemavathi

3rd padam-Hemavathi

4th padam-Dharmavathi

Dhanishta- 1st padam-Dharmavathi,Neethimathi

2nd padam-Neethimathi


Dhanishta- 3rd padam-Kanthamani

4th padam-Kanthamani,Rishabhapriya

Satabhisha- 1st padam-Rishabhapriya

2nd padam-Lathangi

3rd padam-Lathangi,Vachaspathi

4th padam-Vachaspathi

Poorvabhadra- 1st padam-Mechakalyani

2nd padam-Mechakalyani,Chitrambari

3rd padam-Chitrambari


Poorva Bhadra- 4th padam-Sucharitra

Uttara Bhadra- 1st padam-Sucharitra,Jyothi Swaroopini

2nd padam-Jyothi Swaroopin

3rd padam-Dhatuvardini

4th padam-Dhatuvardini,Nasikabhooshani

Revathi- 1st padam-Nasikabhooshani

2nd padam-Kosalam

3rd padam-Kosalam,Rasikapriya

4th padam-Rasikapriya

According to the tables given above,one should take up the practice of the raga corresponding to one's nakshatra or lagna(ascendant) placed in a particular constellation,or a specific constellation connected to one's dasa lord(by way of placement or ownership).Such a practice of the required raga according to the chart not only enhances,strengthens and energises that particular nakshatra,any dosha in case of the nakshatra's relationship to a malefic planet in the native's chart is also effectively nullified.The same may be applied to the principle of transit too!For the appeasement of sade sathi or seven and a half saturn, the researcher could render the corresponding raga of whichever nakshatra saturn is transiting or maybe placed in the natal chart,for the evil effects of saturn to be destroyed.



  How we feel in someone's presence is the way they think of us!! I made this startling discovery a few years ago. We often wonder about...