331) Samaaneeya Braahmanaishcha Haripaadaavaneyjanam
Sankalpam Vidhivachchakrey Kanyaadaanasya Saadaram.
Meaning:King Akaasha washing the Lotus Feet of Lord Srinivasa
King Akaasha performed the ritual of washing the Lotus Feet of Lord Srinivasa in preparation for giving away the bride according to the prescribed rites of the holy wedding.
332)Thathaschakaara Raajendra! Madhuparkam Purohithaha
Purohithokthamanthreyna Thasya Paadaavaneyjanam.
Meaning:Later the priest who performed the wedding prepared the 'madhuparkam' (white cotton garment dipped in turmeric water and dried). After that King Akaasha repeated the mantras chanted by the priest...
333)"Sahasraseerhaaprusha" Ithi Manthram Samuchcharan
Dharanyaa Sraavithaihi Kruthvaa Swaamitheerdhajalaishbhubhaihi.
Meaning:King Akaasha chanted the holy Purusha Suktham "Sahasraseershaapurusha" while washing the lotus feet of Lord Srinivasa with his spouse Dharani Devi pouring the holy water from Swami Pushkarini lake....
334)Haripaadodakam Punyam Dadhaara Shirasaa Nrupaha
Bhaaryaam Puthram Bhraatharam Cha Bhavanam Koshameyvacha.
Meaning: and sprinkled the same holy water on his head, on his wife, son, palace, treasury....
335) Gajaagaaram Radhaagaaram Vasthraagaaram Cha Thajjalaihi
Maarjayaamaasa Raajendraha Sreenivaasaparaayanaha.
Meaning:...elephants' shelter, chariot sheds, garments' closets etc....with utmost devotion to Lord Srinivasa.
336) Raajaa:-
Adya Mey Saphalam Janma Jeevitham Cha Sujeevitham
Adya Mey Pitharasthushtaaha Vaasudevapadodakaath.
Meaning:The King said:-" The holy water (water used to wash the lotus feet of Lord Srinivasa) with which I have purified myself, my entire clan and vital surroundings has purified and elevated my life. Now my life has become worthy satisfying the spirits of my late anscestors".
337) Evamukthvaa Mahaaraajaha Kanyaam Kamalalochanaam
Alanchakrey Vichithraisthaam Alankaarairmaheepathey!
Meaning:Saying that King Akaasha proceeded to arrange for his lotus-eyed beautiful daughter Padmavathi to be decorated with exquisite accessories.
338) Thathasthu Ghantikaaghosham Kruthavaandaivachinthakaha
Sumuhoorthey Thadaa Praapthey Magalaashtakamabraveeth.
Meaning:In the meanwhile the astrologer-priest rang the bell signalling the auspicious time as he chanted the holy mantras.
Varaaya Viyanrupadaththavaivaahikabhooshanaadikam
339)Kanyaapradaanasamaye Dakshinaam Raajasaththamaha
Kotisankhyaannishkapunjaan Daththavaanveynkateyshithuhu.
Meaning:At the time of giving the bride away ('Kanya Daanam') King Akaasha presented one crore 'Maadalu' (currency) to Lord Srinivasa as an offering ('dakshina').
340)Tham Drushtvaa Dhanaraashim Thum Bhagavaanaaha Bhoomipam
Daathavyam Kim Thvayaa Raajan! Puthrasya Thava Bhoopathey!
Meaning:Looking at the currency Lord Srinivasa told King Akaasha," As your son why do I need this from you?
341) Vivaahakarmanipuno Bhavaandaanaparaayanaha
Dadasva Bhooshanaanyanga Bahurathnaanvithaani Cha.
Meaning:Your expertise in organising the wedding is evident. You are also very interested in charity service. Please present me ornaments studded with lots of precious gems".
342) Ithyuktho Vaasudeyveyna Bhooshanaani Dadau Nrupaha
Kireetam Shathabhaarasthu Kanthikaamapi Thaavatheem.
Meaning:As soon as Lord Srinivasa expressed His desire King Akaasha arranged for a crown (100 measures) and a necklace (100 measures).
343) Punareykaam Thadardham Cha Thadardham Chaiva Kanthikaam
Padakaani Dadau Sapthaa Narghaanyadha Nrupoththamaha.
Meaning:also necklaces of 5o measures and 25 measures each with exquisite 7 lockets...
344)Maalikaam Maukthikaanaamcha Bhujabhooshanayugmakam
Karnabhooshau Maukthikaadhyaa Vamsaparyanthalambinau.
Meaning:strands of pearl chains, two ornamental shoulder bangles, ear-rings that reached all the way down to the shoulders...
345) Kankaney Rathnamaanikya Vajravaidhooryanirmithey
Dwaathrimshadbhaarasamyukthey Anarghey Datthavaan Nrupa!
346)Naagabhooshanayugmancha Baahupooraadikaamsthadhaa
Bhooshanaabguleeyaamscha Dashaanaam Veeramudrikaam.
Meaning (345 and 346): absolutely rich and showy bracelets, shoulder arm-bangles in the shape of serpents, finger-rings, medals of gallantry whose price could not be imagined or estimated and studded with rubies, diamonds, catseye and a variety of precious gems....
347) Katisoothram Swarnamayam Varavjrasamanvitham
Ekaadashashatheebhaaram Bahurathnasamanvitham.
Meaning: waist-chain studded with innumerable diamonds, in 11 measure and studded with many precious gems.....
348)Paadakey Cha Thatho Raajaa Daththavaa Nmadhughaathiney
Dadau Bhojanapaathramcha Shashtibhaarayutham Prabhoho.
Meaning: were the pair of footwear, food vessel weighing 11 measures....
349) Laghupaathrasamopeytham Bruhathpaathramapaam Thadhaa
Kambalaanaam Chathushshashtim Daththavaan Raajasaththamaha.
Meaning:..a big water vessel atop a small vessel, 64 thick rugs....
350)Bhooshanairbhooshithaangasya Kanyaadaanamadhaakaroth
Kanyaapravaramoocheydha Gurussaakshadbruhaspathihi.
Meaning: were offered to Lord Srinivasa who was decorated by varieties of ornaments as a felicitation in the bride-giving (kanya daanam) ritual. Great Sage, Brihaspathi announced the entire proceedings.
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