Saturday, September 5, 2009

SoundaryaLahari Slokas/Yantras No.48


"Ahaha Soothe Savyam Thava Nayanamarkaathmakathayaa
Thriyaamaam Vaamam They Srujathi Rajaneenaayakathayaa!
Thrutheeyaa They Drushtirdaradalithahemaambujaruchihi
Samaadhatthey Sandhyaam Divasanishayorantharachareem!"

Literal Meaning:"Thy right eye being of the nature of the Sun gives birth to the day; Thy left of the Moon causes night, and Thy third eye, resembling a golden lotus slightly in bloom, causes the twilight in between day and night."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold or copper plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1000 (1008) times daily for 45 days. In this yantra the nine small squares with the respective letters represent the nine planets.
Archana:Chant the respective ashtotharam of the planets offering respective flowers. After that chant Lalitha Ashtotharam offering vermillion on the left of the yantra.
Offerings:Cooked rice, sweet-gruel, coconuts, plantains and betels with slices of areca nuts.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Averting evil effects of planets, success in efforts, attaining all desires.
Literal Results:Unexpected joy and turn of events for the better in life.

1 comment:

Poo said...

Madam Gayathri.
Namaskarams to you.

am a software-engineer. I am struggling to get a job. all my efforts (to get a job) have become futile. my family depends on my earning. (there's no-one to help). I am desperate to get a job.

i visited a local astrologer and he said i have Rahu, kethu dosa ( kalasarpa dosa ) and hence all these problem. i am devastated.

I have downloaded Soundarya Lahari Mp3 and reciting SL mantra's. thx for your inspiring blog.

i read all your yantra's and quite confused as to which sloka to follow. all yatra's say's success. Please advise which yantra to follow. shall be grateful to you forever.



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